It does not amuse me when people fight over political positions or issues to the point of ‘blood bath’. It gives the whole vivid meaning to my skewed thinking that politics is not political science because the science learns from the human politics, which is in itself a science to be investigated.
We are all faced with the fight for space to assume importance ostensibly to serve the state within the confines of the constitution. And in fact I do agree that all men are political animals. Fact! You just have to use tact to position yourself to benefit from what flows from the top or if you are at the top the benefits thereof.
The curiosity arises when man becomes an ‘animal’, a ‘political’ animal! Defined by the dictionary.com as an inhuman person, brutish or beastlike. It also says animality is the animal in every person: the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of human beings; are you a political animal? Hope you pass as one or else I wouldn’t know what else you can be. A political being?
Those who are into classics would within a spilt of a second trace the study of human organization to the works of Plato, Aristotle or others they would love to propagate. But it still stands the same. Do you see what I see?…. that humans can learn to live without violence? Especially coming from the simple fact of always sticking to laid down rules to elect people to positions of authority?
So some unnamed supporters of New Patriotic Party flagbearer hopeful Nana Addo Danqua Akufo-Addo, reportedly beat up a member of the campaign team of his opponent, Alan Kyeremanteng. The incident happened at the studios of a radio station at Kintampo in the Brong Ahafo region on Saturday.
A Communication Director of Alan Kyeremanteng in the area is reported by citifmonline to have gone against the party’s rules and thrown his weight behind Mr. Kyeremanteng and as a result got attacked by known supporters of Nana Addo when he appeared as a panel member on a news review programme on Adars FM to speak for his candidate. That is positioning….flowing with the beliefs of ‘Alan Cash’ that he can make a better President than Nana Addo. Others are also rooting for Nana Addo on air and on record.
Now; it may or may not be the case that such campaigns or pronounced support for aspirants are not allowed citing the New Patriotic Party’s rules of engagement. But does the same NPP prescribe such as what one Mutala visited on the supposed Alan supporter. We all have rights; remember…
The animal in the Mutala-led angry supporters might have moved them to the studio during the on-air discussion and ordered Nana Adu to leave the studio, and beat him up when he refused. It was reported that the police rescued Nana Adu and prevented him from being lynched by the youth who were waiting on the premises of the FM station. Does the Party or the aspirants support this? It is a definite no! Propaganda or no propaganda it is a definite no.
I often guard against being judgmental on actions of this nature; but also worried that the animal instincts in Murtala and Co. are found saturated in our body politics. It is a shame! If you cite what rules for a misconduct follow the same rules to reprimand. It’s fun being a political animal with the smartness and tactfulness of controlling your emotions.
Respect my political space and I will reciprocate; otherwise ignore.
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